The Presentation Academy

The Presentation Academy works with you to present the best possible version of yourself and your ideas, products or company. We do this by helping you structure your content to create a series of clear and memorable messages and then work with you to deliver those messages in an authentic, confident fashion.


We believe that the only way to learn how to build and deliver a presentation is to learn how to build and deliver a presentation. To that end our course work and coaching is interactive, tailored to your needs and specific. We deal with common concerns for would-be presenters – such as dealing with nerves or speaking too quickly – but we also treat every presenter we train as an individual with particular strengths and weakness.

The Presentation Academy ethos is that every individual, team and industry will have their own presentation challenges. Our interactive training and coaching will enable you to be clear, memorable, confident and authentic.

Our trainers are also presenters and so are practitioners, not just coaches working theoretically. They know and understand all the issues around presentation as they have encountered most themselves. Our trainers have worked across media such as tv & radio but we have also worked extensively in the corporate arena and, therefore, understand business presentation requirements.